DCCI MasterCraft Talk
May 2020
A webinar on “Exploring heritage textiles to develop innovative cross medium techniques” that was recorded as part of the 2020 DCCI MasterCraft Series.
Wearing Irish
February 2020
Wonderful to see my work featured in the best Irish Fashion blog.
I am a great fan of Margarets blog and follow it religiously. We had a wonderful chat together my past, my motivations, my ambitions and my hopes. Read More >>

The New Irish Goddess
September 2019
This piece was unveiled at Council of Irish Fashion Designers Autumn Fashion Show. It was a collaboration supported by Design and Crafts Council of Ireland.
Looking into perception of women. Reflecting on senses and abilities and how the changing status of women in communities changes the attitude towards character and talent. From fear to light, from Fragility to Monumentality. Broadly looking into insight and senses as strength. It also nods to the omnipotence of nature “crowning” the female goddess with pollen pods informed tentacles. Read More >>
Sculpture In Context
September 2018
This piece is informed by a conversation with one of the Botanic Gardens staff. In an interview the gardener mentioned that there are beds that are left unplanted to heal.
The sculpture would present the disease that has caused the space to be void as a small patch of growth. The growth in the space would be the disease itself: spoors, germs and Fungai.
The idea is to present them as a part of life that, although we try to avoid it, is ever present. Allowing these diseases to be seen allows us to understand better how the garden works.
Little Museum of Dublin
April 2018
A Short film by Beta Bajgartova, part of the “Whats She Doing Here” exhibition in the Little Museum of Dublin.
A Woman’s Work
March 2017
“Niki Collier is a felt designer. She completed a doctorate in computer science and worked as a university lecturer before giving it all up and pursuing her true passion. From birth, she has had limited use in her right hand, so all of her garments are designed to be opened and closed with only one hand. All photographs Beta Bajgart”
Source: Irish Times

Tall as a Tree
September 2016
“BOTANIC GARDENS: Art student Helen Earley sketches ‘Tall as a Tree’ by Niki Collier which forms part of Sculpture in Context 2016 taking place in the National Botanic Gardens in Dublin.”
Source: Irish Times

Nationwide Interview
November 2015
My felting practice at my studio in Greenmount Industrial Estate.
A first glimpse of my virus sculptures and my 2015 collections. Both brought me such joy
Designer Mart
December 2013
Here’s myself and Evelyn (Murray) talking about Designer Mart, one of the first communities I worked with and learnt from.
Designer Mart is a weekly market in Temple Bar and has been the rite of passage for many designers.
Nationwide Interview
March 2012
My first interview as a burgeoning designer working from a Desecrated Church building on Cork Street.
It was my first workshop that didn’t have a leaking roof.