H is for Hope

Installation and Showcase
22-25th March @ The Orangery, Marlay Park, Dublin 15

An Exhibition commenting on people fleeing warzones or places where life is under threat.

Opening remarks by Superintendent Rauiri O’Douling and H.E. Gergana Karadjova Ambassador to Bulgaria in Ireland

Web of Devastation

Devastation starting from the moment of darkness when/where life and holds by delicate web.

The Lattice of Us

The moment when we start gathering what is left of us and what was us and put it together gearing up to be hopeful.

Chains of Doom

The moment when we look for environmental and community restraints to stop us from going forward.

Ropes of Reason

The moment we are ridden by hope and we stop ourselves from doing what we need to by justifying it with being reasonable.

Wings of Hope

Rebirth of us using all that was already there – just by letting the light in.

City as Sanctuary

My City is My Sanctuary – the grey felted coat with green streaks representing structure. Showcasing the strive to create balanced and considerate community for all of us living together.

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