Keep Well Campaign

Have you tried the Stained Glass technique in Felting?

Why don’t you give it a go?

Join Feltmakers Ireland and IFA Region14 for three online classes to try felting, spark your passion for fibres and discover a fun technique for making colourful pictures in felt. All materials included. Classes would be taught by three of your favourite Irish masters: Caóilfíonn, Niki & Liadain.

No previous experience is necessary, but experienced Felters will have loads of fun too.

Classes are free, and open to all living on the island of Ireland.

You can submit your piece for an exhibition called Evie and Us which would launch in October.

This project was made possible with funding from Design and Crafts Council of Ireland (DCCI) under the Keep Well initiative.

27th & 28th Feb, 5th Mar11am -12 noonMaking a Felt Picture Caóilfíonn
7th, 13th & 21st Mar11am – 12 noonMaking Patchwork FeltNiki
14th & 20th Mar, 3rd Apr11am – 12 noonMaking a Stained Glass Finish on a Felt PictureLiadain

Date for submission to exhibition 1st September.

Exhibition launch 1st of October.

About the Artists

Caoilfionn Murphy O’Hanlon > Making a Felt Picture

Growing upon the slopes of Sliabh Gullion, textile artist Caoilfionn Murphy O’Hanlon has long ben beguiled by the ever changing hues, rugged beauty, legends and lore of her place and her people. Drawing on imbued memories and nostalgic inheritances, her quirky textile pieces are made from hand dyed wools, silks and found objects reflecting her Irish roots and shared landscapes. “I want my work to be the footprint I leave behind, my vestige nod to ancestors who walked these hills before me; I have lived this landscape and I have felt it”

Niki Collier > Making Patchwork Felt

I am a Dublin-based award-winning visual artist and designer working in fibre art and wearable technology. My work uses scale to spark conversation about empathy & empowerment. I disrupt science and art in work which elevates the viewer to a protagonist and their life story into a fable. My practice is shaped by many waters. The research methods I apply springs as a result of my academic studies (I have a PhD in Computer Science from UCD), the curiosity bubbles from my childhood in communist Bulgaria and the experience of moving to Ireland as an adult. The resilience narrative is nurtured by the meaningful connections with folk with various ability and diverse background. My medium- fibre sculpting challenges me to grow and offer solutions with its physically demanding process to a woman with limited use of her right hand. Working with sustainable materials tides to my creating of microorganisms sculptures as a vehicle of sourcing hope.

Liadain De Buitlear > Making a Stained Glass Finish

From designing, creating and making award winning knitwear to a range of creative and artistic classes– Liadain De Buitlear believes in hands-on approach to learning and inspired making. 

Liadain has been teaching primary school children arts and crafts with the Design and Crafts council of Ireland, and Kildare County Council since 2008 and runs childrens’ arts and crafts classes as Kildare Arts & Crafts. She teaches courses in machine knitting and feltmaking for groups of all ages. She is a member of the education panel on the learncraftdesign website by DCCOI and a member of the panel of Community Art tutors for KWETB.

4 thoughts on “Keep Well Campaign”

  1. Hi, Im trying to book for the 3 classes but the form will not accept my details as I am in Ireland not a US state. Also the telephone number is not accepted as digits. Please advise.

  2. Caitriona Scollard

    Really looking forward to these free on – line classes . We all crave a bit of colour for well being during this dark pandemic . Hand washing with added bonus ! Bring it on ……

  3. Caitriona Scollard

    Hi Niki ,,,, I am wondering if there was a small error with my booking for patchwork felt . I ended up attending yesterday ‘ s sesssion which was making a felt pic . I didn’t realise it was the same as last weekend . Sorry as I realise my place could have been given to someone else . Maybe my name is down for one of the following weekends and there is no panic ! I may see a lovely package of felty stuff in the post !! It was probably good for me to take out the supplies again yesterday. I am a school teacher and I do art classes after school . The little ones love the sensory experience . I passed on the info regarding these free online sessions and two pals of mine had a great time . So many many thanks ?. It will be great to learn new ideas with the felt such as the patch work and stained glass . There is nothing to beat that explosion of colour that the felt wools bring . Thank you Niki for bringing this into our families and homes . Ps see lots of Kids with mammies !

    1. No worries.
      Some glitch in the system indulge you in two felt classes with Caoifflion and you are doing the class with myself and Liadain.
      Win win win.
      It is good for us, yourself craft, the little ones and all of us who love felt and creativity.
      Cannot wait to see you in my class

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